Mission Statement

The mission of re:TH!NK, the Lakeshore Tobacco Prevention Network, is to improve the health of our residents by reducing tobacco use and exposure through prevention strategies which include community outreach and involvement to move policy forward collaboratively, across our multi-jurisdictional area.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Just More Proof

A study released this week from Massachuetts showed that....for every dollar spent in smoking prevention three dollars are saved!! Its always been known that prevention improves health and saves lives, now we can see that it saves money.

George Washington University, who conducted the study, found that members who quit smoking saved three times the cost of the program in fewer heat-related hospitalizations after just over one year. The studey did not take into account the benefits of avoiding cancer or other long-term smoking related illnesses.

The study has some added weight because it's one of just a few that conclude that the state's landmark health care law is making people healthier and saving money. To date there has been a lot of speculation, but very little proof.

For more information about the study, use the link below:

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