Mission Statement

The mission of re:TH!NK, the Lakeshore Tobacco Prevention Network, is to improve the health of our residents by reducing tobacco use and exposure through prevention strategies which include community outreach and involvement to move policy forward collaboratively, across our multi-jurisdictional area.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Whirlwind offers Continued Hope for Tobacco Prevention and Control

Despite large shifts in power in WI for this 2010 mid-term election, public health issues are still seeing backing by the public in other areas of the country. South Dakota voted to become the next smoke-free state! You can read the full press release on the Campaing for Tobacco-Free Kids' website: http://www.tobaccofreekids.org/Script/DisplayPressRelease.php3?Display=1237

Congratulations South Dakota!!!

The top priorities on voters minds (as seen by exit polls) are the Economy and Health Care. While the future of public health in WI looks like it might be taking some turns, the public is still concerned about its health. Hopefully this new State Legislature keeps moving in the right direction to improve the health of Wisconsinites to help make us the healthiest state in one generation.

To see the full list of winners from yesterday's election visit: http://www.thewheelerreport.com/

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