(image from Corbis Images)
One more item for parents to think about is how they can help their kids stay tobacco and nicotine free this school year. While monitoring your child's tobacco use used to be as simple as smelling their clothes for smoke, new tobacco and nicotine products are making the task more and more difficult.
While fewer Wisconsin students are smoking than ever before (only about 1 in 10 high school students), more and more students are trying and becoming addicted to e-cigarettes (aka. vape pens). Youth use of e-cigs tripled in just one year nationally.

Sadly, the candy-like flavors and lower costs lead teens to think smokeless tobacco and e-cigarettes are harmless, when the truth is they carry serious consequences. Like a lifetime addiction to nicotine, countless types of cancer, respiratory problems, and more. Tobacco and nicotine negatively affect almost every part of the body. See graphic below.

We of course want to end on a positive note and there is good news... re:TH!NK, coalitions, schools, parents, legislators, and others throughout Wisconsin and world are working to reverse the deadly trends of tobacco and nicotine. That's why we continue to do what we do, because we know an impact can be made.
To learn more about our efforts, connect with us on Facebook or email us at rethink@co.winnebago.wi.us!