AB227 was heard Jan 20 during the State Legislature's Health Commitee meeting to consider moving forward with a statewide PDMP (Perscription Drug Monitoring Program). The Program would create a database that would track filled perscriptions in order to reduce "Dr. Shopping" and other diversion stunts.
About 10 people testified in favor of the bill or educated the committee including 2 members from re:TH!NK. Others present included concerned police, pharmacists, parents, and forensic pathologists from across the state.
WI is one of only a few states that do not currently have or are in the process of creating a PDMP. All surrounding states have enacted such a database to provide authority in the monitoring of specific controlled medicines. The lack of such a database/program could explain the increase in diversion practices and addiction of presecription drugs.
The committee said they will schedule a vote SOON.
Additionally, on Feb 24th the Pharmacy Society of WI will be holding its annual Legislative Day in Madison. PSW is the state organization that represents all Wisconsin pharmacists in all practice environments, hospital, chain, independent etc. On Legislative Day about 100-150 pharmacists from all over the state will meet in the morning to discuss and be briefed on various current government and legislative issues important to pharmacists and our patients.
One of the items that PSW has supported since it was first proposed is establishment of a controlled drug database to help us identify the drug seekers. In the afternoon of the 24th all of these pharmacists will be meeting with their individual Legislators and Senators and will be urging them to support passage of the drug monitoring database.
For more/current information on the status of AB227 click: http://www.legis.state.wi.us/2009/data/AB227hst.html
or for more information on PDMPs click: http://www.deadiversion.usdoj.gov/faq/rx_monitor.htm