Mission Statement

The mission of re:TH!NK, the Lakeshore Tobacco Prevention Network, is to improve the health of our residents by reducing tobacco use and exposure through prevention strategies which include community outreach and involvement to move policy forward collaboratively, across our multi-jurisdictional area.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Bill Prohibits Purchasing Tobacco Products for Minors

Last week, the WI State Assembly passed Assembly Bill 93 on a voice vote. Under the legislation, individuals are statutorily prohibited from purchasing or providing tobacco products for minors. Under a substitute amendment that was also approved, the legislation is expanded to include all “nicotine products,” which are defined as any product that contains nicotine and is not a cigarette, a tobacco product or a product approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a smoking cessation product. The bill will now be considered in the Senate. More information on the bill and the substitute amendment is available in the Legislative Council memo.

Thank you Assembly members for passing a very important piece of legislation. Let's hope the Senate can make the same decision so WI can make it easier to keep ALL tobacco products out of the hands of minors.

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