Mission Statement

The mission of re:TH!NK, the Lakeshore Tobacco Prevention Network, is to improve the health of our residents by reducing tobacco use and exposure through prevention strategies which include community outreach and involvement to move policy forward collaboratively, across our multi-jurisdictional area.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Smoking on the Letterman show??

You got to see this!!!!!
Recently Katherine Heigl was a guest on David Letterman's Late Show. She discussed her issues with trying to quite smoking. She went through a list of items that did not work for her, then she pulls something out from between the cushions and conducts an "advertisement" for the product.
When asked about this product lets remember a few points
1) The FDA has not tested nor approved this product as a successful cessation tool
2) Cancer causing agents were discovered in these products by the FDA
3) Nicotine has been proven to be one of the most additive drugs, which is the main ingredient in this product
4) Until proper testing can be conducted by the FDA, these products should not be recommended or sold


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